(Pictured L to R): Laura Fick, Becky Sorbel, Donna Taub & Eugenia Winkelbauer
Thirty years post graduation, these four ladies have remained the best of friends. Read Becky Sorbel’s reflection on the forming and maintaining of this friendship developed at GSBC (written by Becky Sorbel, Vice President/CFO, First Farmers & Merchants):
“Laura Fick, Donna Taub, Eugenia Winkelbauer and I, all graduates of the GSBC class of 1991, attended the school over the summers of 1989, 1990 and 1991, and have enjoyed a wonderful friendship over all these 30-some years!
We met before school even started. In fact, Eugenia and I met sitting on the curb at Denver International Airport waiting for the shuttle bus to take us to Boulder the Sunday before classes began. Eugenia was lucky enough to be in a dorm with a great group of ladies. However, I had a single room in a different residence hall. That evening, Eugenia called and asked me to join her and her roommates for dinner and, before the night was over, Eugenia had moved into my residence hall, which housed Laura and Donna as well!
Laura, Donna, Eugenia and I began our adventures the first year of school when me, Eugenia, and a couple of other classmates rented a cabin in Grand Lake, Colorado, for the weekend. The next year, Donna joined, with Laura joining our last year at school. Every year since we graduated from GSBC in 1991 (29 years ago!) we have taken a trip to someplace special for four or five days. We have been to over 20 different destinations in our travels, with only a couple of repeats. Our bond remains strong even if a significant of time lapses between our visits. Our tradition is to rent a house at our destination, so we have ample time to catch up, hang out and take in our surroundings together. As you can imagine, we have a lot of history after 30 years!”
This story is an installment in GSBC’s “Celebrate 70” campaign, which aims to engage the school’s students, alumni, faculty and supporters in a year-long commemoration of its history, accomplishments and traditions.