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Community Banking in a COVID & Post-Election Environment
This uncertainty, combined with the existing pressures of the pandemic environment, calls for community bank leaders to be as informed as possible on critical issues facing banks in the next 3-6 months.
A Letter From Tim Karsky, GSBC Past Chairman
Although the GSBC Class of 2020 had to delay their graduation to 2021, I am positive the experiences you have gone through this year will make you better bankers. You have adapted to many changes on the fly, and I hope you will share with your banker friends what you have learned.
Special Announcement: Koch to Retire from GSBC in 2021
The Board of Trustees of the Graduate School of Banking at Colorado (GSBC) has announced that Timothy Koch, president, will retire following the July 2021 Annual School Session.
Turning New PPP Accounts Into Long Term Relationships
In this webinar, we are going to discuss tangible things bankers can do in the first 90-120 days after acquiring a new customer to ensure the relationship with them becomes long-term.
Observations on the Economy for Bankers
By Timothy Koch, Ph.D., GSBC President and Scott Hein, President, Hein Consulting According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), real GDP plummeted by 32.9 percent (annualized) in the second quarter of 2020, the largest drop ever recorded. This follows a 5 percent drop in the first quarter. As noted in Figure 1 below, GDP…
Bates of Iowa to Lead GSBC in 2021
Mary Kay Bates, president and chief executive officer of Bank Midwest in Spirit Lake, Iowa, has been elected chair of the Graduate School of Banking at Colorado (GSBC) for 2021. As president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Bank Midwest, Bates leads a regional, $1 billion community bank that provides banking, insurance, wealth management and…
Community Bank M&A in Light of COVID-19
COVID-19 has significantly impacted every aspect of American life. This includes community bank mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The community bank M&A environment is different today than it was “pre-COVID-19.” Get a better understanding of this new environment.
GSBC Faculty Panel: Where is the Economy Headed?
Each year during the first week of GSBC’s Annual School Session, the entire student body attends the much-anticipated faculty panel in the Wolf Law Courtroom. This year, the panel is coming straight to your desktop. You’re invited to see economics experts discuss, debate and share insights on what could economically lie ahead for community banks.
Stop Selling & Start Connecting: Harnessing the Power of Your Story
2020 has seen community banks across the country rise to unprecedented challenges. Through a pandemic, PPP and the uncertainty of our economic future, the story of community banking has never been more relevant. Your bank’s unique value to the community has never been so clear.
GSBC Cares Makes Nationwide Impact
The Graduate School of Banking at Colorado (GSBC) in April launched GSBC Cares: A Virtual Education Experience as a service to the nation’s community banks amid the COVID-19 pandemic. GSBC is proud to report great success with its initiative and is currently planning additional virtual programming to fit the needs of the nation’s community banks.
GSBC Continues to Meet Uncertainty With Innovation
While community bankers have done an amazing job stepping up to the various challenges over the past few months, the staff at GSBC has also been working to continually educate bankers in new and innovative ways. GSBC continues to support our industry through live virtual learning, virtual networking and, as always, timely articles from our network of experts.
The Current Ag Environment: Issues & Opportunities for Bankers & Their Customers
You’re invited to hear Dr. David Kohl moderate a panel of three community bank CEOs as they discuss the current agricultural environment. This presentation aims to inform the nation’s ag bankers of issues and opportunities for both them and their customers in the coming year.