GSBC is pleased to announce its 2019 scholarship recipients. The list of students below have received scholarships of approximately one-third of the three-year tuition to attend the Annual School Session.
Approximately $100,000 in scholarships are funded by GSBC annually, and awards are made through partnerships with co-sponsoring bankers associations, intermediate schools of banking and the alumni association. Additionally, the Western Bankers Association and Independent Bankers of Colorado have also funded awards to members attending GSBC in 2019. Congratulations to these deserving students:
Future Leaders Scholarship Recipients
Ryan Baker, Pinnacle Bank, Moorcroft, WY
Bridget Benson, First Dakota National Bank, Yankton, SD
Julie Bryon, First United Bank, Park River, ND
Bryan Farnsworth,Utah Department of Financial Institutions, South Jordan, UT
Cory Gotto, Peoples Bank, Sioux Center, IA
Brittany Gorzalka, First Northern Bank of WY, Sheridan, WY
Jessica Klotsche, MidWestOne Bank, Denver, CO
Bobbi LaViolette, Farmers Bank & Trust, Great Bend, KS
Kristen Patridge, First Arkansas Bank & Trust, Jacksonville, AR
Ashton Spieker, Midwest Bank, Norfolk, NE
Russell Swenson, American Federal Bank, Hallock, MN
Julie Waddle, FNB Community Bank, Midwest City, OK
Joseph Winek, F&M Bank of Central California, Merced, CA
Intermediate School Scholarship Recipients
Kris Ahmann, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck, ND
Frank Baker, Hyden Citizens Bank, Hyden, KY
Joe Cater, Bank of Cairo & Moberly, Moberly, MO
Brett Hubka, GN Bank, Girard, KS
Matt Kluesner, Lincoln Savings Bank, Waterloo, IA
Alumni Association Scholarship Recipients
Larry Anderson, Central Bank & Trust CO., Lexington, KY
Corwin Dlabal, Wilson State Bank, Wilson, KS
Nickalas Hevner, The Eastern Colorado Bank, Cheyenne Wells, CO
Robb Jacobsen, Arbor Bank, Oakland, IA
Jordan Lampkin, Peoples Savings Bank, O’Fallon, MO
Joseph Morel, Franklin Bank & Trust Company,Franklin, KY
Mark Starr, First National Bank – Goodland, Oberlin, KS
Bryce True, Hilltop National Bank, Casper, WY
Brian White, Auburn Banking Company, Russelville, KY
Other Awards
California Bankers Association Scholarship Initiative
Ryan Riggen, Plumas Bank, Quincy, CA
Joseph Winek, F&M Bank of Central California, Merced, CA
Independent Bankers of Colorado Scholarship
Megan MacHatton, FirstBank, Lakewood, CO
More information on our scholarships can be found here.